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Tarot Tuesday

Hey peeps, it's been a while since I get to Tarot Tuesday! Hope you find this insightful!


It's Tarot Tuesday! Find out the Universe's Message for you for the week of Apr 23rd - Apr 29th, '19.

First of all, take a deep breath and keep yourself calm.

Once you feel that you are centered, pick the card that you feel most drawn to.

The messages will be revealed further down.


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The Messages

1. Action Speaks Louder Than Words

Grab hold on those that are important to you. Knowing that these are your treasures, then find ways to show them that you care while keeping them protecting with your love under your wings. The saddest thing is not having them left, but losing them before you can show them your heart and convince them to stay.

2. Face The Truth

Memories are precious because they remind us of beautiful times and helping us through difficult seasons. Yet sometimes, some bad memories became fuzzy and was turned into better memories. If you have people that no longer serve a purpose in your life, stop hanging on and move forward. If you have not been doing enough yet thinking you have done everything, time to get up and really start pushing forward. Stop deceiving yourself and start facing the truth. Some decisions are difficult but you know it's necessary for yourself.

3. Be More Confident With Yourself

You have finally grown and mature, being able to see things from every side and being more open to what the world got to offer to you. Continue being truthful to yourself and it is important to remember, since you can see the sides to everything, this will greatly help you in making decisions that's beneficial to you and others. Be more firm and confident.

Tarot / Oracle Deck used - Butterfly Oracle Cards

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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

©2017 by D' Lemurian Mermaid Tarot, Malaysia

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